Every single person at every dealership is having to adapt to the new reality. Remaining inactive in the face of significant change is a sure path to distress. As margins decline, inventories shrink and markets soften, it's even more crucial to scrutinize digital dealership performance more closely. An integral analysis component is to examine outdated behaviors and processes that impede performance - and replace them with an updated, holistic approach to "digital" operations. There are …
digital dealership operations
Auto Retail: Prioritize Digital Transformation or Be Phased Out
It's human nature to seek pleasure and avoid pain. Change disrupts both. However, when the customer behaves differently and their needs change, NOT changing means inevitable extinction. The auto retail industry is beginning to recognize the importance of digital transformation, but technology has also accelerated at a breakneck speed, making it even more difficult for dealers to keep up with the curve, much less stay ahead of it. Most dealers have not done enough to keep up with the digital …
8 Digital Dealership Operations Focus Areas for Better Performance
Every single person and every store is having to adapt to the new reality. Remaining inactive in the face of significant change is a sure path to disaster. As margins decline, inventories shrink and markets soften, it's even more crucial to scrutinize digital dealership performance more closely. An integral component of your analysis is to examine outdated behaviors and processes that impede performance...and replace them with an updated, holistic approach to "digital" operations. Fact …
5 Tips to Integrate Employees into Auto Retail Digital Transformation
Sustaining dealership profitability has never been more challenging. Taking a holistic approach unites the digital and traditional components of store operations and often means restructuring long-held beliefs. Outdated behaviors and processes constitute change and employees play a significant role in any plan towards auto retail digital transformation. Gone are the days when the dealership was merely a physical space employees occupied during regular business hours. Today's always connected, …